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Here you can read a little bit about the books I love!
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Books I Recommend

I recommend books such as The Blackthorn Key Series, the Going Wild Series, and the Harry Potter Series

A Quick Summary Of: The Blackthorn Key Series
This series talks about the journey of Christopher Rowe and his journey to uncover the truth of many unsolved mysteries, including ones about his own life. Set in the 1600s, Christopher had lost his parents at an early age. He was then chosen to be an apothecary's apprentice, and learned about many alchemic symbols and materials that would soon help him on his long journey.

A Quick Summary Of: The Going Wild Series
This series talks about a 12 year old girl who finds a box at the front door that reads "Charles Wilde" on the front. Her nickname being "Charles Wilde" (her real name is Charlie Wilde), she thought the package was for her. After moving to Arizona, she opens the box and finds what seems to be an ordinary bracelet. But soon, she finds out it can grant her animal-based powers, and after making new friends, they begin to uncover the bracelet's origins.

A Quick Summary Of: The Aru Shah Series
This series tells us the story of Aru Shah, who lived an ordinary life at first like any other. She went to school, and while her mom went to work, she takes care of the museum they live in. But one day, everything changes. After stretching the truth at school to please her friends, three classmates arrive at the museum to find that Aru lied about spending her time in France. Under pressure, she lights the Cursed Lamp of Bharata to prove them wrong. After lighting the lamp, she accidentally releases the Sleeper, a time controlling demon. Thus began her journey to stop the Sleeper, while uncovering the truth about her life and her real identity.